When will my game be shipped?

We expect to start shipping Dragon in the Hut within the next few weeks! Once your address is locked and your order is ready to go, you’ll receive a notification with tracking details. Stay tuned for updates as we begin the fulfillment process!

Can I still change my shipping address?

You can update your address before we lock them for fulfillment. Be sure to make any necessary changes now! If your address isn’t updated in time, your shipment may be delayed.

What happens if I don’t fill in my address?

If you haven’t provided your address yet, don’t worry—we will reach out to you directly. However, please note that backers who don’t submit their address on time may be placed at the end of the shipping queue.

When will I receive the print-at-home files?

Print-at-home files will be sent out in parallel with the first wave of physical shipments. You’ll get your files around the same time games start arriving at backers’ doorsteps.

I chose the print-at-home version. Can I get it sooner?

If you selected the print-at-home option and would like to receive the files early to provide feedback, feel free to reach out! We’d love to hear your input and make sure the files are perfect for everyone.

Will I be able to buy more copies of Dragon in the Hut later?

Yes! Once we’ve completed the fulfillment of the Kickstarter campaign, we’ll open an online store where you can purchase additional copies of the game. However, please note that the price of the game will be higher than it was during the campaign, and there will be no promotions until fulfillment is complete.

Is there a retail version of Dragon in the Hut coming?

Currently, we’re focused on fulfilling the Kickstarter campaign, but we do plan to make Dragon in the Hut available beyond this campaign. Keep an eye on future announcements for more details!

Will there be expansions or additional content?

Great news! Thanks to your incredible support, we’ve been able to fund a small mini-expansion, which is included in every copy of Dragon in the Hut. We’re also working on ideas for future expansions, so stay tuned for more dragon-filled adventures!

What should I do if I have an issue with my order or shipping?

If you encounter any issues with your order or shipping, please reach out to us through Kickstarter or email us directly. We’ll work to resolve any problems as quickly as possible.

Can I support Dragon in the Hut in any other way?

Absolutely! If you love Dragon in the Hut, you can help us spread the word! Share your experience with friends, post about it on social media, and leave a review on BoardGameGeek. Your enthusiasm means the world to us and helps grow our dragon-loving community!